Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Masked Metaphor

This image is a metaphor for people who smoke. When someone smokes a cigarette, its generally all anyone around them can smell. This causes the person to become synonymous with a cigarette and the smell that comes with them. People who smoke become immune to the smell, and in turn, become unaware that they have become a walking cigarette themselves. This also speaks to addiction and the fact that people who smoke generally don't seem to realize just how often they need a "smoke break". This addiction can also be a reason for the metaphor of a walking cigarette. The need to smoke becomes a priority over everything else. Walking, eating, sleeping, and spending time with friends and family all take a backseat to smoking; this is why those who smoke have no problem taking a smoke break in the middle of a conversation or event. These things are what cause a person to become this walking box of cigarettes, they let their addiction control their lives, this includes everything from where to go, how they smell, who they are with, and when they will be able to take breaks to smoke. A person who fits the metaphor of a walking cigarette box would be unwilling to go places that do not allow smoking, and if they do, would leave as soon as they get a craving for another cigarette. They would also end up cutting people from their lives, purposefully or on accident, by smoking as much as they do. the person would either smoke too much for the other to be able to stand, or the smoker would cut them out of their lives due to the friends dislike of their bad habits.

Sunday, April 15, 2018


I believe that when I use a face mask, that I need to use multiple of different kinds, so that I get all the effects of all of the different masks.


When I paint my nails I continue to repeat the process until I get it perfect.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Balance Through Asymmetry

The average makeup routine covers the entire face and blends in with the natural look . My daily makeup routine revolves around asymmetry to balance my face.