Sunday, December 10, 2017


In process:



Artist Statement:
My memento is a representation of the first time I swam in competition on my high school swim team. I remember that as I swam, I felt as though I was fully surrounded by water, and that nothing else existed. I remember feeling as though my time in the pool seemed to last a lifetime, and that the more I swam, the longer the pool felt.  Despite the fact that most people would feel trapped and suffocated if they had viewed things the same way I did, I personally felt at peace. These memories and feelings are what I hoped to display in the piece. I chose the blue coloring for the resin to represent the peace that I felt, and I chose a long mold for the resin to represent the way time seemed to slow down for me in that moment. I chose the balsa wood base to represent the grounded, yet free feeling I experienced.  The piece also represents what I remember seeing, the blue resin represents the water that surrounded me.  The balsa wood epitomizes the cream colored bottom of the pool that I watched the whole time, looking for the mark that would let me know when to flip, to go the other way.

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